Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Islamic Development Bank Internship Program – Indonesia

A. Background
The Islamic Development Bank is an international financial institution established in pursuance of the Declaration of Intent issued by the Conference of Finance Ministers of Muslim Countries held in Jeddah in Dhul Q’adah 1393H, corresponding to December 1973. The Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Governors took place in Rajab 1395H, corresponding to July 1975, and the Bank was formally opened on 15 Shawwal 1395H corresponding to 20 October 1975
The Bank is mandated to foster socioeconomic development of its member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries, in accordance with the principles of Shariah (Islamic Law). IDB Group Vision is “To be the leader in fostering socio-economic development in member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries in conformity with Shariah”. The Mission statement is ”The IDB Group is committed to alleviating poverty; promoting human development; science and technology; Islamic economics; banking and finance; and enhancing cooperation amongst member countries, in collaboration with our development partners”.

B. Islamic Development Bank Group Internship Program in Indonesia
The Islamic Development Bank Group (IDBG) Country Gateway Office (CGO) Indonesia is seeking qualified fresh graduates to participate in its Internship Program.
IDBG Internship Program provides a wide range of opportunity for fresh graduates to gain insight into the work of Islamic Finance and Development. Fresh Graduates from diverse academic backgrounds will be assigned in the IDBG CGO Indonesia office, where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments.
The program will commence on 3 October 2016. IDBG CGO Indonesia will only accept full time interns for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 3 months, with the possibility of extension subject to the performance evaluation and the approval of the IDBG CGO Indonesia.

C. Selection Criteria
Candidates applying to the program should meet the following criteria:
  • Minimum GPA of 3.25 (0-4 scale)
  • Freshly graduated with Bachelor’s degree (2015 and 2016) in one of the following studies: Economics & Business, Development, International Relations, Environment, Engineering, and Communication.
  • Good communication skills: Proficiency in speaking, writing and editing in English, preferably with TOEFL or IELTS acceptable score,
  • Computer literate in standard software applications,
  • Demonstrated keen interest in the fields of Development and Banking, and have a personal affinity to the IDB vision and mission,
  • Demonstrable skills in analytical thinking, communication, and research.
  • Ability to perform a variety of administrative tasks
  • Consistently approach work with energy and positive, constructive attitude,
  • Demonstrated openness to change and ability to manage complexities,
  • Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view

D. Program Outputs
Selected Interns joining the program will gain experience in the Public and Private sectors in the following fields:
  • Project and Corporate Finance
  • Public/Private partnership
  • Islamic Finance
  • Trade Finance
  • Export and Investment insurance
  • South-South cooperation
Upon completing the internship, interns will receive a recommendation (reference) letter to acknowledge their work in the IDBG CGO Indonesia indicating their performance and achievements. Interns will receive opportunities to attend training and workshops provided by the CGO if such training occurs during the Internship period. In addition, Interns will receive a certificate for attending Islamic Finance training course to be provided by IDBG CGO.

E. Intern’s scope of activities:
Interns may be assigned to assist IDBG CGO staff in the following tasks:
  • Annual programming for IDB sovereign lending activities,
  • Business development and deal sourcing of PPPs and private Sector,
  • Conducting appraisals (due diligence) on new projects,
  • Providing research and analysis on macro/micro economic related subjects,
  • Supporting in the execution/implementation of approved projects,
  • Assisting and reviewing Terms of References (TORs), Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs),
  • Assist in preparation of presentation and marketing materials,
  • Providing analysis on effectiveness of IDBG projects in Indonesia,
  • Organizing events/ workshops as applicable,
  • Providing administrative support and assistance to key activities,
  • Other tasks to be agreed upon.

F. Financial Aspects:
The IDBG CGO Indonesia will bear any expenses related to missions undertaken as part of the CGO activities.
All expenses connected with an Intern’s participation in the Program must be borne by:
  • The Intern, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his/her own arrangements for travel (including to and from the office), accommodation, meals etc.
  • The nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its candidate;

G. Modalities:
Interested candidates shall send the following documents to the CGO ( with “Internship Application” as subject:
  1. Application for the Internship (download here)
  2. Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  3. Certificate of graduation from university
  4. University transcript
  5. Letter of endorsement from a senior faculty member who has directly supervised the student
  6. Health certificates declaring the applicants are fit for work from public or private hospital.

H. Timeline:
The program will be conducted quarterly (four times a year) and we look forward to receiving your applications. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for final selection. 

About Teknik Industri - FTUP

Teknik Industri adalah suatu bidang keilmuan yang mempelajari bagaimana merancang, mengatur dan mengaplikasikan semua faktor-faktor seperti manusia, mesin, metode, material, lingkungan menjadi suatu system dalam lingkup yang berhubungan dengan fungsi pabrik, seperti penelitian dasar, penelitian operasional, pengembangan terhadap suatu produk baru, melalui rekayasa-rekayasa industri, desain produk, perancangan system kerja, perawatan mesin, system produksi hingga pada kualitas hingga ke pelayanan purna jual terhadap produk tersebut.

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